Kinktober Day 5: Somnophilia

Overwatch, reaper76. Fantasy AU, Gorgon Gabriel, monsterfucking. Dubcon, for the somno. (Jack is into it, but Gabriel didn’t exactly get a chance to verbally confirm.)

I don’t know why this all keeps turning into monsterfucking.  If I keep writing it, I’m going to need to have Jack start taking his turn as the monster.  In the meantime, I feel like Gabriel is actually the normal one, here.  I have a lot of half-formed headcanon about Jack’s background I didn’t have time to write–along with a lot more smut I didn’t have time to turn into a halfway readable form; the second half might show up for oviposition day.

This is really, really a draft version.  Sorry about that.  Also the somno is all the way at the end.  Sorry about that too.


Jack needs to get through a mountain pass in order to reach his destination in time, but a gorgon lives in the pass. You have to give it something so it lets you through instead of killing you.  You’d better hope you’ve got something interesting on you. If not, then it’ll choose something and you’d better hope you’re a good negotiator.  

The pass is the fastest way through the mountains, and it works out, normally.  Everybody knows about the gorgon, so if you have the time to pick up something interesting for him…    

Jack does not. He’s in a hell of a hurry.  Possibly just came from a battle with news he has to get to someone as quickly as possible.  Or some dude on the other side of the mountains he needs to murder while he knows where the guy is. Along those lines.  So he figures he’ll just deal with it if the gorgon finds him.

Turning people to statues is a good way to stop them from killing you, but Gabriel also gets some use out of them that way.  He feeds on emotions.  Trapped in stone, his victims provide him with fear and anger to eat.  So if a traveler doesn’t have any other way to feed him, he’ll turn them to stone.

For the same reasons, the gifts he likes best are things that matter to the giver.  It’s really the emotion relating to the gift that he’s after.  So people will buy him bolts of silk or cuts of meat or whatever, but that’s usually not what he wants. Sometimes he accepts it anyway.  He likes pretty, fine things.

But what he really wants is, like, that picture of your beloved you’re carrying on you.  Or a story about your first child.  Or a song that reminds you of your mother. Or for a volunteer from the caravan that he can chase for one night. (Don’t worry, he’ll return them safely.  Probably. Unless they don’t entertain him enough.)

Fear isn’t the only kind of emotion he eats, but it is a tasty one. Depends what he’s in the mood for, partly. And how hungry he is.  You’re best off if a number of people have come this way recently.

So Gabriel tries to do a bit of terrorization before he lets Jack see him. That’s a fave when he’s hungry. Slithering here and there.  Pushing a few rocks over. Get them good and worked up about the monster before he makes his reveal.  Was that the gorgon?! Or just a big snake?

So by the time Gabriel reveals himself, Jack is wary and ready to fight.  And yet, when Jack sees Gabe slithering down toward him, all long and strong and elegantly predatory, Jack is like, “Ooooooo.”

Gabe pauses.  Okay, that’s different.  Admiration isn’t a reaction he normally gets.  There’s a healthy amount of fear there too. The two make for a very nice combination.  

Curious, and kind of amused, Gabriel slithers closer.  "You like what you see, do you?“  Gabriel snakes around him in a circle, sizing him up.  "So what do you have to give me?”  Jack’s definitely got the look of a guy who hasn’t brought anything along.  But if he can squeeze out some more of that fear/flirty combination, that’d be just great.

Jack is somewhat receptive to both.  He’s ready to fight for his life, but he’s been around enough to know that monsters are just trying to get by like everybody else, and this one is gorgeous as he is deadly.

Gabriel snakes up to him, slow so Jack doesn’t mistake it for an attack and laying on the fluidity, basking in Jack’s admiration. “Is this visor supposed to protect you from me?”

Jack scoffs. Recoils when Gabriel reaches for it.  So Gabe moves slower. “I won’t take it.  I just want to look.”  

Jack hesitates but doesn’t pull away when Gabriel cups a hand under his jaw. Jack looks right up into Gabe’s face under the hood and doesn’t flinch from the snakey, smoky hair or the gorgon eyes.  Even when he’s not trying to turn people to stone, it’s normally a painfully potent sight. That’s when Gabriel realizes he’s blind.

Jack uses his visor to get around, but he doesn’t see the way most people see.  Colors are weird for him.  Sees frequencies most humans don’t, auras and things instead of normal human eyesight.  It’s part of why Gabriel looks so beautiful to him.

Jack’s wariness and admiration both flare.  Gabe’s hair lifts and uncoils interestedly toward him before Gabe reins it in and makes it settle. Gabriel decides he needs this one for more than a few minutes.

It’s cold tonight.  There’s a storm blowing in.  Gabe has a network of caverns he holes up in when it gets cold. For the right price he’s been known to escort people through portions of them to avoid the worst of the winter storms.  "You have to stay with me tonight.“ Gabriel says.

"But I need to go!”

Jack’s flare of resistance makes the price Gabriel’s set that much sweeter.  "You won’t get there faster as a piece of rock,“ Gabriel tells him.  He grins when Jack scowls.  "Or frozen to death.  It gets cold up here at night at this time of year and you are woefully unequipped to deal with it.”  He tips his head haughtily, deliberately goading Jack. “Frankly I’m helping you.  You can either accept it or decide whether you want to spend the rest of your very short life as a boulder or an iceberg.”

He can guide Jack through the sheltered parts of the pass and keep him for the days it takes to cross.  Likes the way Jack responds to having his face held in Gabriel’s hands. Yes, this is a good plan. He feels very smart. Also Jack is cute when he’s grumpy.

Jack growls, low and irritated.  Thinks about it.  The gorgon makes a good point, damn him.  “So do you have a name or do I just call you ‘snakeman?’“

Gabe: knocks a notch or so off the ‘charming’ column. Unforeseen complication: Jack is actually an ass.

He should’ve seen this coming, really.  Average, respectable people don’t go around thinking mountain-dwelling snake monster strangers are the hottest people they’ve ever seen.  

Gabriel shows him through the pass.  It’s not far into the first day that Jack realizes that Gabriel was right, and agreeing to this was best.  It’s going to be a multiple day trip, and the storm doesn’t make things easier, when it starts to blow in.  A lot of the time, where he can, Gabriel sticks to tunnels and sheltered areas, keeping them out of the worst of it.  Sometimes they have to go out to cross between spaces that don’t connect, stumping through the wind and gathering snow and ice, and Jack has to admit that he was indeed woefully ill-equipped for this weather.  He might have made it across on his own, but having to scrounge and huddle to survive would have taken him days longer than it will with Gabriel.

Gabriel calls a halt well before dark, when they reach a small cavern that he’s clearly used as a den before.  There’s a pile of skins not too far away from a spot that’s smoke-stained and piled with wood ash and a fresh bundle of firewood.  Gabriel takes flints and kindles a fire.  The space is too drafty for it to make everything toasty warm but it does raise the temperature a few helpful degrees.

Jack tries to settle on the opposite side of the cave from Gabe, but finds himself surrounded by snake guy pretty quick when Gabriel slithers over to surround him. "I said keep me warm.  You can’t do that from the other side of the cavern.”

Jack huffs, but he did agree.  It’s freezing in here anyway and being piled on by several feet of attractive snake man isn’t exactly the worst fate he’s ever faced.

Gabe makes him take the visor off to sleep though.  He coils up around Jack’s thighs, and then sets a hand on it when Jack can’t go anywhere.  Doesn’t remove it immediately.  "Don’t worry.  I’ll protect you.  This is my pass and you’re safer curled up here with me than you’d ever be wandering around out there by yourself.“

Jack pauses for whole minutes, reluctant  to make himself helpless that way.  Gabriel likes that tasty burst of discomfort and fear–along with the reduced danger of his traveling companion doing something angry in the middle of the night.  

Finally, Jack reluctantly nods and reaches up to take it off.  He’s not going to let Gabriel do it.  Being blinded is one thing.  Not knowing where the visor is if he wants to put it back on is a whole different issue.  

He tucks it in a safe pocket, then shuffles around, trying to get comfortable.  Coils loop and mound around him as he moves till he finds himself draped in a surprisingly comfortable position, like he’s lounging in a living mound of leather-covered pillows.  Getting out would be like trying to dig himself out of a landslide, but it’s unexpectedly cozy.

Gabriel traces the scars on Jack’s face with a fingertip.  “These suit you.  You’re quite handsome under there.”

Jack shoots a suspicious look at the blurry lump of Gabriel.  It doesn’t at all cover his flustered reaction to being flirted with.  

Gabriel laughs softly, then arms loop around Jack’s waist and a strong chin hooks over his shoulder.  Jack fidgets a bit.  Being unable to see anything makes being cuddled by a snake monster a bit anxiety-inducing, but that’s a nice chest he’s pressed up against.

That first night it takes a while for him to get to sleep.  Jack lies awake for some time, trying to decide whether this is the weirdest and stupidest thing he’s ever done.  But the gorgon is generally known for keeping to his agreements.  Or at least, nobody he lied to ever came back to tell the tale.  

Being held so snugly is appealing, though.  When Jack’s nerves get the best of him and set him to restless shuffling, Gabriel tightens just a little on him.  The gentle restraint takes Jack’s breath away, and freezes his mind to an exhilarated stillness.  There’s a peace in it, as if being held still makes his mind fall quiet, and after a little while Jack finds himself melting into Gabriel’s spell while Gabriel pets at him and feeds on these delightful emotions coming off him.  The touches are relaxing yet oddly thrilling, because Jack can’t see and the coils keep moving minutely around him—not crushing, just shifting a bit with little being-alive movements like Gabriel’s breathing.

Jack drifts to sleep, and has…interesting dreams.  He squirms in Gabriel’s coils, and Gabriel can taste the desire and arousal through his sleep.

In the morning, Jack wakes up better-rested than he has been in an age, and Gabriel can’t stop thinking about fucking him.

He’s named sex as his price for travelers before.  And each time Gabriel reaches out to steady Jack over the rough terrain and snow drifts, he gets another taste of Jack’s lingering arousal and admiration of Gabriel.

On an icy slope, Jack’s feet slip and he plunges toward the edge of a bluff, hands scrabbling for a hold on the slippery rocks to slow his slide.  Gabriel hooks the end of his tail into a stand of well-anchored boulders and lunges after him with the rest of his length.

They scrabble and claw back to stable ground together.  Once they’re safe, Jack pats him on the shoulder.  “Thanks.”  His relief is tinged with gratitude, and even a little fondness.  

Gabriel likes it.

After that, he begins to talk with Jack as they travel.  He names plants they can see peeking out the snow, along with their properties.  Points out the rock layers and what can be learned from them; how you can search for water when the formations are the right color, or seek shelter where it tilts and fractures.

Jack listens, and asks questions, and the pleased fixation of his attention is heady.

They make decent distance before Gabriel calls a halt for the evening, having reached another of his dens.  Jack is shivering his ass off.  They’ve had to spend much more time out in the open and the weather today and he’s wet and cold from the snow.  Gabriel sets a little fire and Jack strips so he can lay his clothes out by it.

This time he readily lets Gabriel pull him into his coils, relaxing into the sheltering warmth of them.  When Gabriel taps at it with one claw, he takes off his visor with only a brief hesitation.  

Gabriel cradles him in his embrace, feeling strangely protective.  He saved this life today.  “You trust me so easily?”

Jack shrugs.  “If you wanted me dead, you had a thousand ways and chances to do it.  You’ve done nothing but help me and keep up your end of the bargain.”  The emotions that roll through him match his words.  Jack trusts Gabriel.  He’s comfortable.  The guarded harshness of his mind that he met Gabriel with yesterday has softened into a sense of open curiosity.

Carefully, deliberately, Gabriel smooths a hand over Jack’s naked, scarred chest, and that quiet lingering desire Jack’s carried with him all day flares in silent welcome.

Gabriel’s thumb brushes over his nipple.  Jack sucks a breath in between his teeth, wondering if it’s an accident, but then Gabriel catches it between his fingers and rolls it.  Jack makes a little noise of appreciation when he cups Jack’s chest and kneads.

Jack squirms with growing arousal.  Gabriel’s coils tighten, just firmly enough to keep him from going anywhere, and Jack gasps with pleasure.  It feels good, the sensation of Gabriel’s scales sliding along his bare skin and holding him still when he tries to move. So does the feeling of Gabriel massaging at his chest when he can’t move or get his hands free to do anything about it.

Gabriel flicks his tongue across the skin of Jack’s back.  He can taste the desire.  Smell it.  And feel it.  He nudges a coil delicately against Jack’s hardening cock.

Jack turns his head, trying to orient, make eye contact that wouldn’t do him any good anyway.  "Gabriel?”

Gabriel catches his jaw, turns him in the right direction.  "Here.“  He can taste Jack’s want, his uncertainty. Loves the feel of him in his coils.

"Uhm.”  Jack is caught between a sense of something like propriety, and his own urges.  Gabriel can’t tell whether he’s about to ask for more or for Gabriel to stop.  

So Gabriel heads him off.  Plays his fingers over Jack’s other nipple.  Up the side of his neck.  "Do you like it?“

Jack sighs.  "Yes.”

“Do you want more?”

Jack hesitates.  Moans at a sharp-nailed pluck of his nipple and a slow, sensuous brush of lips up the line of his throat.  "Yes.“

Gabriel’s fingers rake through Jack’s hair and then tighten, tug his head back so Gabriel can kiss in under his jaw. Jack feels things stroking over his throat and face and chest, like a fall of hair but actively caressing him in a net of slow strokes across his shoulders and chest.  He’s surrounded by soft hissing as little suckling kisses press into his skin from what feels like a myriad of little mouths, joining Gabriel’s lips against the front of his throat sucking gently at his adam’s apple.

Jack tries to reach up to feel for what those things are, but Gabriel keeps his hands firmly trapped in his loops.  After a moment, Jack realizes it must be the twisty snakelike locks of his hair.

Gabriel readjusts Jack in his grip, tipping him back against Gabriel’s chest and that gentle, hissing shower of eager kisses all around his head and shoulders, and shifting a coil to press against his groin.  The friction is good.  Jack can’t move much, but he does his best to rock his hips against it.  He moans, high and sharp, as the net of caresses slides downward to pinch at his nipples.  Jack’s reaction to the pleasure-pain is effervescent.  Gabriel drinks it down like fine wine.  

Something warm and slick rubs against his ass.  Jack arches up in surprise when it prods at him.  

“Relax,” Gabriel soothes, stroking his hands over Jack’s chest and belly.

Jack breathes deep, tries to loosen his muscles while Gabriel teases him, moving in and out of him with just a couple of inches of something narrow and flexible like a finger.  Gabriel slides one hand down along Jack’s belly to play with his cock, squeezing and stroking it gently while he murmurs praise and reassurance.

Jack groans and lets the pleasure do its work, making his body melt into it.  More of whatever Gabriel’s penetrating him with pushes into him as he loosens, stretching him as it gets deeper and thicker.  It seems almost to feel around inside him, and Jack struggles as well as he can in Gabriel’s grip, not sure whether he’s trying to move away or onto it.

“Good,” Gabriel purrs, one arm clasped across Jack’s chest.  “You’re doing so well.  We’re almost there.”  

Jack cries out as the tip of whatever’s inside him finds his prostate and nudges against it.  Gabriel groans, and Jack feels his tongue flick against his temple and throat, tasting his sweat.

The thing inside him keeps flicking and rubbing at his prostate, till Jack feels like he might go out of his mind. Gabriel still won’t let him move.  He strokes Jack’s hair, calls him beautiful when he moans and whimpers.

When the thing withdraws, Jack whines.  “No, come on, I want to come.”

Gabriel laughs.  “I’ll keep it in mind.”  His hands settle on either side of Jack’s waist.  “Now…easy.”

Jack gasps as something else enters him.  It feels different, blunt-headed and thick, with a rough, textured surface.  “What…?”

Gabriel presses his forehead against the nape of Jack’s neck, his groan vibrating against Jack’s back.  “That’s me.”

Jack cries out and tries to buck at the sensation of…bumps or something tugging at his rim and dragging against his inner walls.  “Then what was the other thing?”

“My tail.”  He snickers at Jack’s indignant squawk.  “Figured you’d rather be prepared first.”

Gabriel takes his time, fucks him slowly and makes sure he feels every nub as it moves in and out of him.  Pleasure and desperation fountain from him as he stretches and twists and sweat runs down the curve of his spine.  Gabriel drinks it down as he runs his hands over Jack’s body, enjoying the feel of every muscle taut and quivering, trying to drag his orgasm closer by sheer will.

He’s in no hurry for the bounty to end, or the pleasure of Jack’s body clinging hot and slick to him as he thrusts in and out of his body.  But the snakey, smoky coils of his hair refuse to be as patient as the rest of him.  They swarm over every bit of Jack they can reach, kissing and nipping at his neck and back. They coil around his throat and shoulders to keep him close, and pluck and bite at Jack’s nipples till they have Jack panting on the edge of frustration.

“God, come on, please, I can’t stand it anymore!”

Before the sweetness of Jack’s pleasure can threaten to sour into anger, Gabriel tightens his grip around Jack’s hips and begins to pound him.

Jack comes with a choked cry after only a few strokes, shaking with ecstasy in Gabriel’s tight hold while Gabriel thrusts a few more times and then spills into him.

They lie together for a few heavy breaths, and then Jack squirms as he feels the cock inside him begin to stiffen in new ways, locking itself inside his body.  

He sucks in a shuddering breath.  It feels good, in a slow, simmering way that promises he could be good for a round two in a little while.  “How long?”

“About half an hour,” Gabriel murmurs.

"Uh…what do we do about it?”

Gabriel cups Jack’s jaw and tugs him gently back against his chest.  "You could sleep.“

The arousal and the sensation of being filled follow him into his dreams.  He dreams of sex: with people he’s slept with, people he’s fantasized about.  He dreams about monsters.  About Gabriel.  He dreams of sweet, soft-edged fucking, pleasure and need flowing like warm syrup in his veins as they move together seemingly endlessly.

His own arousal ends up waking him up after he’s dreamt of being on the edge of coming for…he doesn’t know how long, really.  Dreams are terrible for tracking time.

He wakes to the sensation of Gabe’s cock moving slowly inside him.  Arousal is so hot and thick in him that every breath feels like it’s burning him.  When he tries to reach for his own cock, he discovers his hands are trapped.  Gabriel has him in his grip again, once more unable to move or do anything for himself even though his cock is painfully hard, and Jack thinks he could melt into an overheated puddle on the spot.

“I need to come,” he whispers.

Gabriel nuzzles beneath his ear. "Earn it then.”

from Tumblr

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