-rubs hands together- hokay so yes I have my favorite viejo here for my Outlander AU
Father Gabriel: A sworn Peace Officer who took it upon himself to dispense justice where he sees fit. Earning him the infamous nickname “The Reaper” from many outlaw gangs that have learned to sleep with one eye open. He obsessively chases the ghost that is the masked vigilante “The Blue Eyed Soldier.” One reason: to bring him to justice and the other….well, Ol’ Blue Eyes can be a nasty flirt to our poor Father. Although, there is an old farmer down the road from Father Gabriel’s mission, that the old priest holds a bit of a fondness for…
The rest of Gabriel’s past is a tight-lipped mystery. He says he’s from California. That’s all he will say. Like most men he was pulled in to fight in the war. And being Afro-Latino during such a time…it wasn’t exactly fun. So he went on his way. Thus putting a price on his head.
1863, he came across soldier’s pushing a tribe of Navajo to the brink of death all the way to Fort Sumter. They were stragglers…and by the time Gabriel intervened all that remained was one sickly little child and his dying mother. She begged Gabriel in a language he didn’t understand, then she begged again in Spanish: “Por favor…por favor…ayudalo por favor…mi
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2AOADri