
Guys, look, it’s okay.  I know that hand shot brings back memories, but just because it LOOKS like a scene from another movie, that doesn’t mean it has to BE the scene from the other movie.

Also it’d be hella early for Khan to be coming back to get revenge, considering they haven’t even met him the first time yet.

So here’s the game.  Abrams said the bad guy was related to something from the original series, right?  We’ve got three seasons of episodes.  I propose that we come up with interesting alternatives to Khan or Gary Mitchell.

Here’s mine:  I want Cumberbatch to be Veejur.  Wouldn’t that be great?  Like, some obliging techno-organic race a few hundred light years distant found the probe and stuffed it into a human-shaped android body because that’s what it looked like the little panel of scribbles was asking for.  And then Veejur makes it back to Earth a couple hundred years later, all, “YOU FUCKING TOSSED ME OUT OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM YOU MOTHERFUCKERS LET’S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT WHEN IT HAPPENS TO YOU.”

Bah, posted that to the wrong blog. ^_^

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