

Writer’s Block

A picture says a thousand words. Write them.

Mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a critique about this picture. Write something about this picture.

Be sure to tag writeworld in your block!

I’m not exactly sure where my mind is going when it looks at this picture, but I do know that those lions used to be people.  Mortal women.  Lionesses.  Fierce women with the courage to find their own solutions when their hardships at home grew to be too great a burden and they needed an escape.

Unfortunately they were unwise or desperate enough to seek those solutions from the Fair Folk.

Now they run with the Queen on the hunt, and woe be to those whom she selects as their prey.  The Queen’s mercy, dubious as it is, takes the form of granting them vengeance: as they suffered at the hands of men, now they revisit that suffering back on the bodies of men.  No male may touch them, lest he risk the wrath of the pride or worse, the wrath of the Queen.

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