
Anonymous asked you:

For the kink prompt: Sherlock likes them young. Very, very young.
Well, it’s much less porny than desired. Two consenting adults, despite what the prompt says.

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This story isn’t about kink.  Kink is fun, consensual, a journey of self-discovery and learning how to permit yourself to be complete and unique.  It’s not really about pedophilia, either.  This story is about the struggle between how you’re wired and what you choose to be.  It is beautifully written, disturbing but entirely above-board; perhaps even admirable, because it’s a hard thing to have to live out of tune with yourself.  And happy, I think, because John is able to give Sherlock something he had precious little chance of ever finding.

The last lines in particular are like the end of a really well-written sonnet: one of those things that spins a fic 180 degrees and turns it all into a whole new story.  Did it ever really happen?  If so, then oh, oh boys.

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