

In response to Thanksfortheuniverse, here are some online word processors:

Zoho Writer


Google Drive





Also, here are some distraction-free word processors that require a small download:


Dark Room


Ommwriter is a especially for Mac

(Note: I have not personally used all of these.)

If you know of anything that should be added to this list, let me know!

To supplement the word processor post I did several weeks back. These are specifically minimalist processors which can benefit someone easily distracted… someone like me, basically, and others.

– B

There’s also Zen Writer, which I’ve seen doing on the rounds on here lately.

It’s not just distraction.  Not everybody gets along equally well with a given program.  If you find your mind wandering when you write in Word or GDocs, or if you start feeling stuck in a rut or like you’re losing the thread, try switching to a different word processing program.  I’ve found that the change of context can shake the dust off my brain and get me going again, and sometimes my mood (or a given story) is better suited to one program than another.

It’s always nice to have options. ^_^

Online/Minimalist Word Processors

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