
How proud Greg looks in the first gif keeps me going in life.

You know, Sally’s always wary of Sherlock and he drives Anderson bugnuts, but…look at their faces here.  This hat thing is a friendly razz, the kind of thing you do to somebody you like.  And Sally and Anderson are in the back, looking amused and, yeah, maybe even a little proud.  I feel like they’ve had their ups and downs, but at this point in the series, things have come together for these people.  He’s earned Sally’s respect, Anderson’s grudging admiration, the general goodwill of the police department, and Greg’s like, “This is the person I always knew you could be.”

What Sally does in Fall, she does because she’s a good cop and it makes sense to her, not out of any kind of malice or even distrust.  From her body language and the number of times we see her poring over the evidence, I don’t think it’s a conclusion she even wanted to draw.  She wanted to be wrong, wanted him to be innocent, but Moriarty knows how to set a man up.  He laid out the pieces so that it’d take Sherlock to come to any conclusion other than his guilt.

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