

Okay yes. That’s my line on wtffanfiction. It was meant to be ridiculous. I am coming clean: I am often ridiculous. You all probably know this already.

This day is one of those totally off kilter days. It’s going to be 90 degrees, windy, crazy fire danger: terrifying weather. Dog woke us up at 4am, been up ever since. Operating on 4 hours of sleep is not my forte.

On a happier note I wanted to say something I’ve realized in the past week: in my entire adult life, I’ve never before had a group of writers I can talk to regularly. I’ve never gotten to talk about writing with other people who are also writing. So if I seem like a kid in a candy store when it comes to writing discussions: I am.

I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

Oh, man.

I sort of love that blog (and quite a few writers/fics I really enjoy have been quoted there). A lot of writing—ffs, practically ALL writing—looks strange when decontextualized, in a “this is a really odd collection of words” sense, and that’s how I’ve always interpreted the stuff that’s on there.

Those sorts of lines are all over books, too, but I think it says good things about the general interactivity/engagement of fanfiction that folks do this with fic. I know I’d generally characterize fanfic as escapist, to a certain degree, but sometimes I think readers are engaging/interacting with/critiquing fic more thoroughly than they do print media, and that’s sort of… amazing. Things like wtffanfiction, that come out of readers pulling themselves out of a story they’re probably enjoying to go “… wait, did I actually just read that?” are evidence of that engagement.

… er, which are probably rather lofty aspirations to ascribe to a tumblr whose purpose is humor, but still.

Hahaha, oh man, I think getting text posted on wtffanfiction is some kind of coming-of-age thing for a fanfic writer.  Lacuna got her line from Hive Mind about the slutty triceratops in the Blue Zone up on there, so clearly they do not discriminate based on intention. 😀 I’ve seen stuff from Ben and Wren and velvet-mace and wordstrings up on there, so consider yourself in the club. ^_^

(The only line of mine that has ever made it is the one about fairy lights from Dress Sense.  It wasn’t even all that cracky.  I feel sort of left out, really.)

In other news, that weather does sound terrifying.  Stay safe!  And just for you, I will post a writing discussion thingie today, to cheer up your Thursday.

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