Winter is coming

Yeah, yeah, Game of Thrones, whatever.

What matters about this is the super slow-mo flapping!  Look how amazing a bird’s wings are!  Can you see how those primary feathers don’t just flap around randomly?  The bird can control them, make fine motor control adjustments in order to steer in the air.  And the way the wings don’t just flap vertically up and down.  They actually have very complex motion.  Flying is a learned skill.  Birds are aerodynamically designed for it, but to fly well takes practice.

This crow’s nictitating membrane is on display too, in that first shot.  Did you know birds have full control over their nictitating membrane?  For most animals, it’s a reflex thing.  (I’ve never seen my parrots use theirs.  Then again, they have tiny little eyes; maybe it’s just too quick for me to see.)

Isn’t it beautiful?

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