

“And I don’t think I’ve commented on your other stuff yet (the Coat fic pretty much turned me into a puddle of fuzzy comfort and fanficcy happiness) so you don’t know me and urgh. I wouldn’t have said anything if you hadn’t asked. I’m very much not a writer, but I draw/paint and sometimes I’m pretty desperate for an art beta (do those exist) or just /someone/ to give feedback, tell me I’m on the right track, tell me what’s not working and what is. Trying to be creative in some sort of vacuum really sucks sometimes so. Feedback. Urgh, so I’m going to stop rambling at you now. Go forth and write pretty-porny things! Because you’re /good at it/ and I’ve subscribed on AO3 and notifications from you make a lot of people happy :). *slinks back to photoshop to poke a bit more at a painting that stopped making sense about a month ago*…”

I LIVE FOR THIS. Because you’re right, working in a vacuum is lonely and sucky and can let bad habits set in (for me at least). I’m not an artist, but if there’s anything I can do to help your process, I’d be delighted. (I’ve bold-faced your comment there to draw the attention of potential art-betas.) Again, I think the best thing about fandom is that it’s a non-commercial creative space where we can learn from each other, especially when we ask for and offer feedback. This takes time, and I for one consider it an act of generosity. Thanks again.

I don’t know that they’re called ‘art betas,’ but I find a friend with a good eye to be invaluable sometimes when I’m in the middle of drawing something and I can’t figure out what’s going wrong.  (“I want this to look dynamic and I can’t figure out why it looks so boring!”  ”What’s wrong with his face?”  ”Are her arms too long?”  ”HALP HOW DO I COLOR.”)  By and large it’s a much faster process than betaing for a writer, though if you’ve got a good relationship with a fellow artist (and the technology) sometimes it can involve doodling on each other’s pieces.

I KNOW I have some other artists among my followers.  Guys, if any of you would like to reach out and make some connections with fellow artists, put in your names and I’ll publish a list.  Maybe we could even get an art-circle going.  Any thoughts?

Reblogging to see if anyone else is interested in this.  I’ve got a thumbs-up from ghoulkittenyoucantsaymylastname, and bachin221b.

I’m not really looking to organize things with this. It just seems like it’d be helpful to get a bit of a network going among artists so that we’ve got somebody who understands the stuff we bitch about and can provide useful feedback—or moral support. ^_^

So, reblog or add a reply or hit me with an Ask or something if you’re interested in joining the pool and mingling with other artists.  Or, y’know, follow each other’s Tumblrs and drop them a note to let them know.  Anything like that.

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