Kijakazibibi asked me for Sherlock recs.  And when kijakazi calls, I must answer!  Have some random supernatural-themed Sherlock stories from my collection!

Interred With Their Bones by Ani.  Short, sexy, sweet, and kind of weird—a nice bite-sized read!

Gone Is My Past by Cyerus.  John used to be a bomb detection dog.  I have no idea how it works, it just does.  It’s sweet, and sad, but everything is okay at the end!

The Detective and the Demon by oreganotea.  Sherlock decides to summon himself up a demon.  Who is strangely mild-mannered and seems to really like jumpers.

Take a Bite by likes2lurk.  John and Sherlock are both vampires.  This is pretty much 100% pure incandescent porn.  It was never finished, but it really doesn’t matter since the plot is minimal at best.

Dream State by teaandjumpers.  Okay, actually this is more sci-fi.  A bit of Inception crossover, to be exact.  Sherlock is afraid to let John in his head because he’s not sure how his subconscious will react.  (Spoiler:  it reacts very sexily.)

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