That’s not boring, that’s complicated. 😀 

Inspires me to what, is the question.  Inspires me in life?  That’s the beauty of the world, the crazy wonders of science, the endlessly surprising diversity of humankind, the kindnesses that pass between people.

What inspires me in writing is the visceral solidity of a scene when a writer really manages to lock it down both in the character’s head and in the physical space.  And those perfect lines out of a character’s mouth when everything—their attitude, the mood, the emotion, the movement of the scene—all line up so perfectly you can taste it.  And world-building where the author lets the rules shape the world so that it reaches in to affect the plot and the characters and how and why.

In art, it’s lighting.  Oh my god I have such a thing for lighting.  I’ve always been a pencil/paper kind of girl—painting doesn’t come naturally to me—so the fall of light and shadow drive me nuts like catnip.  I want to do that.

Also, any kind of ridiculous challenge.  If other people look at it and say, “No way, can’t be done,” I’m just about guaranteed to give it a shot.  I’m idiotically contrary.

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