January 2012. “Sherlock only wants the same thing everyone wants: to dress John up in a £1000 suit and then strip it right back off him.”
…yep. That pretty much is *EXACTLY* what I want. I—I really don’t have much to add, to be honest.
Add me to the list of folks who’d sign up for this. Sherlock, you lucky bastard.
I love this fic. Think of the charity fundraisers they could do. Dress John then strip him! I mean, who wouldn’t sign up for that?
You can donate money, suggestions of things you want John in and how to take it off him, and things you want Sherlock to do to him afterwards! THEY COULD FUND THE CURE FOR CANCER.
Fic | BBC Sherlock | “Dress Sense” by PrettyArbitrary (Explicit)