


Favorite Firefly OTP’s—> Wash and Zoë

Apart from the massive amount of creys this gifset gives me, I absolutely adore how Zoe instantly chooses Wash over Mal. It’s honestly one of my favourite character moments for her.

She was pregnant at the end of Serenity. She has to be.

One of the best depictions of Zoe (yes, a post-Serenity pregnant Zoe) is in “The Man With No Name”, an absolutely amazing Doctor Who/Firefly crossover. (Tenth Doctor, and OMG does it ever WORK.)

This is one of the reasons I can’t watch Serenity.  Because Zoe and Wash are amazing and deserve good things, and Zoe in particular has had a hard life, and their relationship is sweet and romantic and strong and good and real.  And on that little ship they have everything they could ever want out of life, and so long as I never watch Serenity, that’s how they’ll stay.

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