Dom!Mary is wonderful.  Sherlock and Mary sharing John. <3  I love thinking of Mary watching and loving the way John’s body rolls and arches under Sherlock. Holding down his arms while Sherlock takes him apart. And then they switch. Sherlock watching John’s face and body while Mary pegs him, giving Mary tips on just how to move to make John totally lose it.

John loves it SO MUCH. Held down and observed. The added level of being watched while being fucked. Mary giving instructions, which just adds to the distance of it. That he’s something to be used.

Sherlock brushing over his prostate and Mary says, “Oh, he liked that, do it again,” and John just nearly comes undone with it.

I like the thought that Sherlock doesn’t mind being instructed either. Because he’s got a pretty darn good concept of how to drive John mad, but he doesn’t mind getting to know all John’s little secrets.

And Sherlock and Mary enjoy bonding over how beautiful John is beneath them. Discussing him like he’s a show pony while they fuck him. Petting his soft hair and running their hands over his smooth skin. Talking about how beautiful his eyes are when they flutter closed, and how much they like the way his shoulders flex as he strains against them.

I like thinking John may not be into sharing, though.  They’ve offered, but he is like, “no no no” at the thought of Sherlock/Mary while he watches.  He’s still a bit burned after everything, and part of him worries his narcissistic sweethearts might decide they’re more interesting than he is and leave him behind.

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