Mike Underwood is good people. He does stellar work inside the hissing cyber-word factory of Angry Robot Books, and he’s also a helluva wordmonkey himself. He’s one of the authors who gets a wide o…
Guest writer on Chuck Wendig’s blog shares some great, solid information on the publishing world from an author’s POV, whether you’re self-publishing or going through a house.
What’s extra-good about this is that Mike Underwood is a young’un. The advice of people who’ve been in the field for years is enormously valuable and rich with experience, but what Mike’s got going for him is that he came up recently and built his rep in the modern market. He talks about selling your books and getting your career rolling in a world of ebooks and Amazon self-publishing. (And he still recommends you get an agent.)
Mike R. Underwood: 25 Secrets Of Publishing, Revealed! (Or: Inside The Bookish Shatterdome)