
AJ Raffles at Hogwarts is a TERRIBLE idea. He’d be the kid who makes a polyjuice potion of a professor just to nip into the teacher’s lounge (or equivalent) to steal their brandy. Imagine AJ with a secret time-turner: he would always inexplicably have an airtight alibi for when somebody replaced an unpopular teacher’s copy of the syllabus with magical pornography. Passwords, riddles, secret raps? Pssh right, AJ will go wherever AJ wants to go, so having a Hufflepuff boyfriend is not a problem.

Top marks at Dark Arts, undisputed king of Slytherin House, invents such a powerful counter to protective spells in his third year that the Ministry has to make up a new law just to forbid it. By the time he graduates, they’ll have a thick file on him and have him earmarked as the next great Dark Wizard. When it turns out he (apparently) just wants to play professional Quidditch, some are almost disappointed. Others are terrified, because it means that whatever he is doing, he is getting away with it

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