Sub!John is amazing. It would be so good for him.

John is so tightly wound up. He represses everything. He clenches his hands and locks his jaw and makes snarky comments in lieu of dealing with the feelings.

John being submissive isn’t about him fainting on a couch and being carried to a bed where he just lies there and does as he’s told.

John being submissive is about him letting his control go because he’s choosing to. He gets that choice and that agency. He’s in control by not being control. And you know, Sherlock will have earned that, earned John’s submission because John knows he will be cared for. That kind of freedom and liberation and trust… John would benefit from that.

And when John did give that control up, he wouldn’t be a glassy-eyed puppet. He would still fight. He would still resist. He would still push back. That’s what makes it so good. The endless push/pull and exchange of power. That would get John off, definitely.

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