
so i noticed a cool thing! the full title for the new issue is “the permanent revolution: [1] troika”, troika translates from russian as “a group of three / a triad” but in the context of the history of the soviet union, troikas were a part of the NKVD:

“The NKVD from 1936-1938 is infamous as the instrument by which Stalin “purged” the Communist Party, Soviet military and generally anyone who spoke out in opposition to his regime – including some who were quite innocent of the fabricated charges made against them.Their main and most feared concept was the troika or three man “extrajudicial” system which was charged with the duty of taking some of the burden off of the standard Soviet judicial system at the time by means of trying those arrested by the infantry units of the NKVD. History has shown that it is unlikely that anyone brought before a troika received anything remotely near a fair trial and were often simply executed in accordance with the “speedy trial” mandate.”
(quote from here)


(and if youre like “?? theres five djd members though” as of the preview we only see tarn, helex, and tesarus acting as the justice division, and tarn speaks of vos in the past tense. i had assumed this was taking place when vos and kaon were stranded on the planet where the lost light crew came upon them but after this im not sure what to think! theres only three pages so its early for speculation anyway lol)

ANYWAY its been obvious ever since he started writing for idw that roberts has been doing a “decepticons = socialist regime” thing but if im not mistaken this is the first time theres been such a transparent parallel drawn between the soviet union and the decepticons !

Not the first time, no.  At some point in the comics, someone (Rung?) referred to Megatron’s pre-war writings as ‘samizdat.’  This was the Russian word for prohibited literature that was illictly copied (often by hand or, at great risk to the copier, by machine) and circulated on the black market around the nations of the Eastern Bloc.

(Interestingly, while some of this literature was of the revolutionary, political and philosophical variety, a large majority of it was just stuff like steamy Western romances, and even comic books.)

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