



What we need is a new platform that has both private and public posting options and handles text, images, and videos. And then we need a mass migration. MeWe has some potential. Anyone have any other ideas??

I’m trying to think if there’s any way in which LiveJournal doesn’t meet your requirements.  I greatly prefer LJ and I never left.  I resisted tumblr until I had to get one for TPP,  and I have never acclimatized.  But then, by tumblr standards, I am quite old.

When I was reading the OP I thought it was leading up to the joke that we already had that–it’s called LiveJournal!

Alright I’m checking out the upgraded LJ

You can also set up communities, moderate membership and close things down to outsiders–so you can get that private hangout you’ve always wanted.  

(Tumblr’s ‘everyone shouting across a large room’ setup really is not conducive to privacy, building community and relationships, or controlling unwanted exposure to things.)

from Tumblr

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