
The slithy toves:
Toves are totes adorbs. And fun to watch. Don’t fight them.

The borogoves:
They’re kind of stickly and gristened, so it would be neither sporting nor appetizing to hunt them. But go ahead if you really want to.

The mome raths:
Yeah, okay, raths are curtible in small numbers, but when entire flates come out in the early lefting it’s just an unstuppered onscramble of grabbling and gribing. Fight raths. Do I hear a snicker-snack? 🙂

The Parent:
They give good, stolid advice. Don’t fight your parents.

The Son:
I wouldn’t even. Have you viddied well his sword arm? Do not fuck with the Son. (If you must, bring something long and vorpal and try to catch him before brillig.)

The Jubjub bird:
Honestly, go for it! Seriously. Good chumbly thigh meat. Two words, though: ranged weapons. And not a thimble-bow or splitten, bring something heavy with a good, stretted bowstring on it.

The Bandersnatch:
Bandersnatchi are large, gluesome, and herbivorous. Fighting them is more inconvenient than unwisable, so I’m going to back the Parent here: shun them. Shun Jinx entirely. Blandrous place for a vacation.

The Tumtum tree:
it’s a tree I don’t

The Jabberwock:
look are you even paying attention

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