Martin Freeman on filming the ‘Sherlock’ Christmas special, the fans…:








Since there has been some question about the comments he made re: Sherlock and John’s relationship, I transcribed (to the best of my ability) what he said. In the video, this starts at about 1:04.

Interviewer: People love these characters so much, I’m curious, why do you think they love each other so much?

Martin: Who, Sherlock and John? Um, y’know, it’s a friendship – I mean, y’know, obviously, way more has been made in the ether about [their] relationship than has ever been put in the show, um, and the trouble is, as soon as you start getting into a dialogue about that, it sounds like you’re kind of, um, denying things, or, y’know, somehow being homophobic if you say ‘They’re not actually fucking’, d’you know what I mean, they’re not actually fucking. Um, and it is possible, I think, for, uh, people of the same sex to have a deep friendship without being attracted to each other. And the thing is, people are attracted to each other in all sorts of ways, y’know what I mean, you don’t necessarily want to bone someone because you love them, d’you know what I mean, um, they respect each other, they bring different things to their friendship and yeah, I don’t – um, I don’t know, I-I don’t know (repeated) I’m just in it, I don’t know.

This is Martin’s equivalent of Ben going “PLATONIC” out of nowhere in that one interview

“Why do sherlock and john love each other?”


An excellent lesson in how text-only communication is without tone, and that tone of speech enriches and informs the text  (or in this case, the spoken word). This reads very differently here than what I see/hear in that video, because tone has been removed and punctuation improvised.

Whichever side of whatever argument you may be having, you can compare/contrast the perceived tone above to the video and allow that transcription of speech tells only a fraction of the story.

This text seems to emphasize the lines about not wanting to be perceived as homophobic for pointing out that they’re not actually fucking (which FWIW, so far would be a true thing to point out). The video clearly emphasizes Martin looking a person in the eye, and using a forceful tone of voice and a facial expression that implies sincerity to say, “They’re not actually fucking.”

This fandom has become so fucking boring over this. I only read Sherlock AUs now when I read Sherlock at all, I’ve lost interest in canon. I’m looking forward to the special because it looks amusing, and I’ll … probably? … watch S4 when they get around to releasing it unless it really sucks balls, but otherwise … meh. People have way too much emotion invested in this stupid tv show, enough already. It’s become a giant eye-roll at this point.

“This fandom has become so fucking boring over this.“

You said it, sister.

No kidding. Every time I think I’m interested in jumping back in something like this flares up again and I just back away slowly.

It makes me so happy to see other people are as fed up with the Sherlock fandom’s focus on John/Sherlock as I am.

Oh yeah, Persian, you are so far from alone.

from Tumblr

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