Tagged by @roane72.

Always repost the rules. Answer 11 random questions posted for you.
Create 11 new questions and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you
know that you’ve answered.

1) What creative project/act are you most proud of?

One day I’ll finish a book-length story and then it’ll be that.

2) What was your first fandom?

Doctor Who, by the time I was four.  The first fandom I engaged in with the awareness of fandom was Final Fantasy 7.

3) How many posts have you made on Tumblr, as of this moment?

When this one goes live, it’ll be 6,847.

4) What is something that makes you instantly, irrationally angry?

Being cut off or talked over.  OMG I hate that.

5) What are you looking forward to in 2016?

Buying a house.  Also I’m terrified.

6) You can only pick one, and you must pick one: cats or dogs? Why?

Dogs.  I’m allergic to cats.  They make me itch.

However, as Roane knows darn well: ACTUALLY PARROTS.

7) What do you love best about where you live right now?

The big honking yard that I don’t have to maintain with birds twittering in the bushes in the morning, and in the spring: peepers!

8) When you were in school, what did you want to do when you grew up?

In elementary school, I didn’t really want to grow up.  In high school, I wanted to be an artist.  In college, I wanted to be a writer, and then when I realized how much work being a writer is, I decided I’d like to be an editor.

9) Do you still want to do that?

Yes.  Especially the not growing up part.

10) Pick a favorite historical character, any place or era. Why are they your favorite?

This week it is Madame Maupin, because she was a swashbuckling bisexual opera singer who fought duels in her spare time and once stripped her shirt off in a crowded room because a man wouldn’t believe a fencer that good was actually female. (I believe she might have stabbed him later, but maybe that was another guy.)

11) If you could learn any new skill this year, what would it be?

Carpentry, or maybe vegetable gardening.

@hiddenlacuna @out-there-on-the-maroon @thescienceofobsession @willietheplaidjacket @traumachu @archiaart @purrlockholmes @greencarnations @tirivel @fuckyeahshezza @angelblack3 

My brain is currently too squishy to come up with good questions, but you guys could do these.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1mGCwiQ

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