It really really baffles me when, in the carwash sibs or ‘david church’ au, people headcanon that Wash looks more like Leonard and Lina looks like Allison when we’ve seen her face, we’ve seen that she has her father’s eyes and his jaw and his attitude—like yeah there’s the joke that her temper is like her mother’s but her temperament is 100% Leonard Church, she has her father’s ego and his drive and it’s probably from being mostly raised by him if you can call absentee bullshit parenting, so it’s super weird to me? Where as we have David, ash blond and damn good at his job with a sense of humor and warmth for his friends but the meanest goddamn bite for his enemies, he’s sarcastic and quick witted when he gets to know you and opens up. He’s not Tex, just like Church isn’t Leonard, you get the sense from The Last Video that he’s Allison.
That’s why the helmet never comes off, it’s why he’s so reticent to show his face. He’s too much his mother’s child. And Carolina doesn’t care because she’s too much her father’s.
from Tumblr