


I just realized how bad my current anxiety flare-up is, when after having had a really excellent day, I realized that I was halfway convinced that tomorrow I’d find out I’m dying or something.

Now that it realizes it’s been caught out, it’s decided to settle for keeping me awake with a generic feeling of upset.

Sometimes I really wish tumblr existed in my 20s so I could have recognized the line between “this is a legit problem and you should seek a way to address it” and “everybody feels like this, they just handle it better than you do” decades sooner.

And then my realistic self points out I would probably just have found blogs that supported my less than ideal coping mechanisms of epic nonproductive procrastination and eating-disordered obsessive thinking.

For all my issues with Tumblr, sometimes the whole ‘mimetically reproducing posts blast through community boundaries like they don’t exist’ thing can be really beneficial.  Especially when other news and social sites are busy trying to find better ways to make sure you only hear about the news and opinions you like to hear.  It can be a real godsend when information you didn’t know you needed to know drops right onto your face.

To be fair, though, I’m still an epic procrastinator.  So you, uh, might’ve fallen in with your people on that one.

from Tumblr

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