Kinktober Day 3 Prompt: Bukkake (Overwatch)
SEP days, sequel to Kinktober Fic Day 1

Guys, this is actually cute.  I wrote cute bukkake.


For Jack, the worst part of the treatments is that it takes two or three days for the unbearable horniness to really wear off.

Then again, the one upside about being sequestered in a military research facility with a bunch of adrenaline junkie men and women–and a few others–in the best shape of their lives is that he’s surrounded by plenty of hot people who are stir-crazy enough that they’re ready to fuck anything.  And at this point, they’ve all seen each other in so many states of total indignity that walking up and asking for cock is positively mundane.

Which is all by way of saying, this is how Jack ended up being the spitroast in a foursome with two other guys and Captain Maria Santiago, whom he is currently getting fucked into by Lt. Lockerbie, who is riding his ass like a bullet train trying to jump a missing chunk of track.  It’s probably also the reason Gabriel hasn’t felt bothered to move his ass from the sagging armchair in the corner, where he’s sitting in a pair of sweatpants, reading a really ridiculous-looking novel and periodically offering constructive criticism.

“Slow your ass down, Lockerbie, you want to make him scream with pleasure, not rug burn.”

Jack feels the flush on his face deepen.  It doesn’t help that Lockerbie takes Gabe’s advice and almost immediately hits Jack in a spot that makes him moan like a whore around Walker’s cock.  The others all laugh, except for Walker, whose eyes roll up in his head.

“See,” Gabe says, and turns a page.  The asshole.

Santiago twists beneath him to get her legs around both Jack and Lockerbie.  “Come on, you fuckers, I am so close and if you make me lose this I will crack your spines from your bodies with my thighs.”  Jack nearly chokes on dick as her movement pulls Lockerbie right into that spot again and makes him see stars.  All three of them cry out as Jack’s whole body seizes up on them.

“Oh fuck,” Lockerbie wails as Jack clenches around him.  “I’m so close.”

Jack grabs Walker’s cock and pulls off so he can glare over his shoulder.  “You come in me and I will rip your balls off.”

“Aw, come on, man, we spend more time with our doctors than we do with our girlfriends.  We’re all fuckin’ clean as virgins.”

Jack wrinkles his nose, hung up between declaring that he’s just not in the mood to deal with the mess in his ass, or arguing about Lockerbie’s fucked-up ideas of safe sex when he’s not even using a condom.

“He said no.”  Jack looks over at Gabriel, who’s put the book down and is staring at Lockerbie with a flat calm that honestly is a little alarming.

Lockerbie apparently thinks so too, because he pulls out without further comment.  “Shit, Morrison, can I come on you then?  God damn, that ass is so pretty, I just wanna mark it up a little.”

There’s a snort from the corner.  “Who doesn’t.”  

Jack’s head whips around from giving Lockerbie the nod–whatever, honestly, it washes off easily enough–to try to catch the look on Gabe’s face, but if there was one, it’s already gone and he’s got his nose back in the book.

He can hear Lockerbie’s heavy breathing behind and above him.  The man groans low in his throat, and then there’re spatters of thick, body-warm liquid splashing across his back.  Honestly it feels kind of great, although it’ll be disgusting in a few minutes when it cools off.  Then he flinches as something hot hits his face.

“Oh, shit.”  Walker.  More hits Jack’s hair and shoulders.  Jack waits till he’s sure it’s safe, then cracks an eye open–the one not gunked–to look up at him.

Walker looks mortified, a hand clapped over his mouth and blushing so hard that even his dark skin can’t save him.  “I am so sorry.  I didn’t mean…  He just went off on you and shit, that one bit ran down your spine and I couldn’t…”

Gabriel cracks up.

Jack wipes at his mouth.  “No, it’s…  Accidents happen.”  And are never fucking lived down, from the way Gabe is giggling into his knees.

Santiago’s heel hits him hard in the kidney.  “Come on, cowboy,
it’s just you and me now.  I got one more in me, so don’t be a

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