Kinktober Fic Challenge DAy 14: Aftercare v.2

Overwatch, Reaper76

I wrote this last month, in response to one of orenjimaru’s fanart pieces (NSFW):

But it fits the prompt, so here’s a version that at least has some kink to it!


When he finally lets Jack go, Jack curls himself around Gabriel, shaking like a man who’s just crawled back from the edge and stripped naked in a way that runs deeper than his skin.  Gabriel holds him close and traces his fingers over the rope marks that overlap the welts and scars already crisscrossing Jack’s body.  They make him look complete, somehow.  He’s always looked like something was missing without them.

Twenty-five years of fighting, hating, trying to kill each other, and they end up right back here.

Jack is all but a puddle in Gabriel’s lap, wrung out and weak from the brutal paces Gabriel’s put him through tonight.  Oh, physically he could take more–he’s all but indestructible–but he’s spent six years alone, carrying the destruction of his life’s work and that of all his friends, and Gabriel’s just cracked that open like an egg and let at least some of it come pouring out.  Jack’s about as fragile as it’s possible for him to be, right now.  He’s so beautiful like this that Gabriel can feel his heart in his throat just from looking at him.

None of this is what he was planning at all.  But it’s a cycle that seems engraved into him.  He sees Jack strong and furious, and wants to break him.  He sees him broken, and he needs to cradle him till the jagged edges knit themselves back together.

Gabriel wraps his arms around Jack’s broad shoulders and rocks them together, humming quietly.  Jack makes a helpless noise into Gabriel’s abdomen and clings like he’s trying to fuse them into one body.  Gabriel tries not to listen to what he’s humming.  Based on Jack’s reaction, he’s got a horrible feeling it’s that song they danced to that night they spent in Mérida.  It was something old, Mayan, he never did learn the name.  But it always gets stuck in his head when he’s with Jack. 

from Tumblr

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