




Two upcoming proposals in the EU and UK could cause problems for fans and fanworks. Find out more & how you can help!

Tagging all the EU and UK residents I know:

@anactorya @deanghostchester @dlasta @dustydreamsanddirtyscars @hunenka @laoih @lost-shoe @themegalosaurus

@ all my other followers from the EU and UK: If you care about preserving our present fanworks culture, please consider making your voices heard by clicking on the link above and following the course of action recommended there. It’s a matter of five mins max, and it might just make all the difference.

@janimoon, @casandsip, @ladydrace, @whitmerule

Hey guys, we need to signal boost the hell out of this!!  

@annoyinglycute, @artemis69, @lena221b, @hoechlbutt, @icshly, @bold-sartorial-statement, @crossroadswrite, @demisexualhale and anyone else in the EU or UK.

Attn. @akashathekitty, @mazvn, @lieutenantseivarden, @leahofhell, and the rest of you in the UK/EU (I’m not sure of everyone’s place of residence).

Even if you’re not in/from Europe, pls signal boost this for your followers.

This is really worth looking at.  The EU and UK have proposed bills coming up that would do a vicious number on all sorts of social media sites and content online.  If you’re a resident in Europe or the UK, check out the article for ways you can register your opposition to these proposals.

From one of the source articles:

There are two big proposals in the the new EU copyright legislation which are an attack on our rights:

1. The link tax that will require charging fees for using snippets of text with links (Article 11)

2. Content filtering proposals for mandatory censorship (Article 13)

The European Commission – and the big media organisations who are pushing these plans – have made it clear in their ‘public’ events in the European Union that this law is all about them.

Both of these ideas are billed as being a way to re-balance the Internet towards privind revenue to giant rightsholder groups, which they feel they are being cheated out of in the age of digital communications.

from Tumblr

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