



i know a lot of us are “arg no more m/f couples!”

but listen

we do need more m/f couples

just not the twig white cis emo boy with basic girl couples

what we NEED:

  • ones that aren’t toxic
  • the ones that ARE toxic be taken as toxic and not romanized and actually dealt with maturely and shows that those relationships are not healthy
  • overweight girl of color with most popular boy in school
  • trans girl with the football player
  • trans boy of color with girl football player
  • just break the basic white stick cis girl and the basic white stick cis boy normative!!!

^THIS!!! Like, cool. I’ll take some more m/f couples, but they need to be diverse!!!!!!! I want trans guys and gals, I want people of color, I want healthy relationships!! People need to see themselves represented, and that includes all of those people who are in m/f relationships, but aren’t the “white cis guy and white cis girl” that are the current mold. Please and thank you.

I was just thinking this the other day
Like yeah, we have a huge abundance of staight couples in media, but how many of them are actually, y’know, good/healthy/well written?

What bugs me is that I often find myself shipping m/f couples–but they’re pretty much never the ones being offered to me by canon.  Usually they’re ones in stories about a woman who’s ‘strong enough not to need a man.’  Most recently it’s happened with Moana and Rogue One.

And I know why.  It’s because those women are the ones actually being written as fully realized characters.  She’s not in a relationship, so that means she has to carry her own weight, and so the writers finally condescend to give this female character her own motivations and goals and agency beyond ‘do it for the boy,’ and virtues and flaws that aren’t about her destined role in a romance.

It drives me up the fragging wall.

So anyway we need m/f couples where the woman gets to be her own person.

I think this dovetails with the above.  Falling in love should be about you as a person and them as a person and how you mutually discover that you people best together, not about how you’re a hero now and one of your prizes is this shiny new boy/girlfriend verified to be fully compliant with the latest edition of Societal Beauty Standards.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2iLHBWU

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