



I fucked up a job interview so bad today they asked me why I wanted to work at this fast food restaurant and I blanked and said that when I was little I liked their fries and wanted to be the French fry queen

I got the job

Reblog the French fry QUEEN and have a good luck on your job interview

Do y’all wanna know why this worked, btw? So you can maybe replicate that success?

Because the big Thing in hiring these days is about “culture fit”. It’s a concept way more suited for well-paid non-service jobs than for low-wage service work, but bc corporations are idiots it gets applied across the board regardless. The theory – actually substantiated by real research tbh – goes like this, if you hire someone with the right skills who doesn’t give a fuck abt yr company, they’ll leave as soon as another company they don’t give a fuck abt comes along and offers them more money.

Turnover is expensive – various sources say anywhere from 15% up to 300% of the positions annual salary, depending on level and geography and industry. Hiring a new CEO costs more than hiring a new customer service rep. So companies want to hire ppl they trust to stick around for awhile, a year at minimum, 3-5 years preferably.

But if you hire someone who’s a good “culture fit” with your organization and cares about your company and what it does, but is lacking a little in skills or experience, that’s better because you can train skills, and if they’re a strong culture fit they’ll be less tempted to jump ship.

So when the hiring manager heard the Fry Queen thing, what it translated to in their tiny pea brain is “this person cares about our company in their actual real heart and emotions! They’re going to be more devoted to this job than someone who doesn’t have an emotional bond with our brand!”

And thus was the Fry Queen hired.

Moral of the story, you don’t have to actually give a shit about the company you’re applying to, but if you can convince the hiring manager that you do, it’ll weigh strongly in your favor.

Now go forth and con the shit out of those hiring managers!

Source: I’m an HR professional. …an HR professional reading tumblr while soaking in the bathtub, but HR nonetheless.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2mUcloR

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