u kno anon i get the sneaking feel u are not that sorry

I also saw that you threw the same prompt idea at prettyarbitrary​ (which is an excellent idea, pls continue throwing all of the delicious prompts at @prettyarbitrary) so let me offer a counterproposal:

Whored-out!Jack completely aware of everything, but who submits to it anyway.

(look. looook. if you think an idea like this hasn’t occured to me before you just. have not been around me long enough. i am trash, i freely admit to this thing.)

But like, pretty, pretty Jack Morrison, the golden untouchable Strike Commander, bending to your every whim. Even if the aesthetic attraction isn’t there, just the power trip would be pretty heady. Who wouldn’t want that? And if there are people who are willing to offer anything to get it, well, what’s the harm in that?

The Strike Commander belongs to Overwatch, after all.

(I am assuming that there is actually some kind of higher Powers That Be involved in OW versus Jack being the one completely in charge, because that is usually how things work and also no one in their right mind would let the actual leader out into combat situations on the regular. Certain UN officials are approached via their extensive contacts around the world, and such requests are passed on to Overwatch’s brass, perhaps? Blizz please give us more lore, I’m dying here.)

In any event, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Some rich oil baron’s willing to offer millions of dollars toward funding Overwatch’s research department? You jump on that. And if the price is a night with the pretty face of your organization, well, Jack did sign up to serve, didn’t he.

(They hit hard the first time they ask. The request-order stuns Jack and the ‘fuck you’ is on the tip of his tongue when they mention that the mysterious donor is prepared to give both money and resources to fund the baby Overwatch’s medical research division. A branch of their organization that can work further toward saving lives of both their agents and civilians, with all of the latest tech to work with. The possibility of saving millions of lives, versus a single night on his knees. They know he can’t refuse. He doesn’t.)

And how about a Gabe who knows that TPTB are scheming assholes? He senses that something’s going on, when Jack gets cagey and irritable and refuses to talk to him. He can see how TPTB are trying to drive them apart, even if he doesn’t know with what or why. 

How about a Gabe that encourages the idea that he and Jack are at each other’s throats? Who swears to Jack in the rare moments they’re alone that he’ll find out what’s going on and put things right? He starts cozying up to the people he suspects in upper management, the ones who drip corruption but have completely clean slates, puts out a front that makes him seem just as bad as them.

While they can get Jack to let himself be used for a lot of things, they’ve never been able to convince him to do actual wetwork. He’d never compromise himself enough to issue assassination orders; wouldn’t even think of doing it. But then they get Gabe. Clearly-bitter Gabriel Reyes who has no qualms about following distasteful orders, who would certainly be down with the way they’re using the Strike Commander he obviously resents. 

So they create Blackwatch.

And after a couple years of playing their game, of being a dutifully corrupt agent, Gabe earns their absolute trust, and doesn’t he deserve a reward? They chuckle and tell him he can get his revenge. That they’ve been doing this for years and if he likes, it can be completely anonymous. They give him a keycard and a location.

Gabe finds Jack, bound and blindfolded, a gag in his mouth and plugs in his ears. When he shakily touches Jack’s bare thigh Jack barely even twitches, his entire body screaming resignation, and Gabe sees red. He tears Jack out of the bindings and doesn’t give him enough time to be horrified about being found out before he’s cradling him tight in his arms. 

Overwatch burns to the ground the next day.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2n1qbqx

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