Justice League, Avengers – actually I think both of them are or at least have been UN-sanctioned in the comics at various times.  But this may be more of a subversion or interrogation of that trope and how it would play out in a more realistic world.

I mean that’s not really new.  Other comics have done similar things before.  Watchmen.  The Authority.  Even Marvel and DC themselves have at times brought their premiere superhero teams into question with things like Civil War and ARGUS.

But–assuming my speculations are right, of course–what I like here is that I suspect it’s neither demonizing or lionizing Overwatch and its members.  They were heroes but they weren’t flawless.  They made mistakes and did bad things in the name of good causes, but they also made a lasting positive difference in the world.

It’s also neat and unique in that we’re seeing this all from a perspective that’s years later, which is important because this stuff never can be seen clearly at the time it’s happening.  We’ve got the characters who’ve moved on since that time and all their many perspectives–from many ages, walks of life and levels of involvement and insider knowledge–on what happened.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2obwtoD

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