
It’s been three years since John Oliver’s amazing Net Neutrality rant brought the term “Cable Company Fuckery” into common usage, crashed the FCC’s website, and delivered a neutral internet to a desperate nation.

Now, there’s a new dingo babysitter in town: Ajit Pai, the FCC Chairman who has vowed to “take a weed-whacker” to the neutral internet.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man: John Oliver’s new Net Neutrality rant is his best yet, and it includes a shortcut to get you through the deliberately obscure commenting system the FCC has created to make it nearly impossible to weigh in on Pai’s neutracidal killing-spree: just visit and you’ll be taken directly to the relevant form.

Except, not right now. So many people have heeded Oliver’s call-to-arms that they’ve crashed the FCC’s website. Again.

There are various advocacy groups and non-profits also collecting signatures and comments to file on the FCC docket, so if you can’t get on there to leave a comment directly, there are other ways! 

FreePress Action Fund is accepting comments here.  They will aggregate them and submit them in bulk to the public record before the deadline, so if the FCC’s site is down now, your comment will still get on there:

Fight for the Future is taking comments here:

Electronic Frontier Foundation is taking comments here:

If you submit a comment, remember to keep it courteous!  Vulgarity and hate spam won’t work in favor of the case. 

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