I have so much abandoned stuff lying around in my WIPs folder because I get hung up and don’t know where to go next.  Here’s another.  Nsfw: fluffy established relationship fisting.  Yeah, that’s right.  I said fluffy fisting.

Jack breaths slow and controlled as Gabriel runs his thumb slowly down his spine, starting at the nape of his neck all the way between his ass cheeks till he begins pushing into Jack’s hole.  Jack drops his head and moans into the cradle of his arms.  "Jesus Christ, you’ve got big hands.“

With his thumb inside him, Gabe’s hand nicely palms his ass, fingers wrapping around to his hip.  Gabe laughs and squeezes.  Jack squirms for him, because god that’s good.  Possessive and firm just at the edge of painful.  Gabe’s grip is intense after all those years one-handing his shotguns.

"Maybe you’ve just got a small ass.”

Jack considers a good comeback for a second, but then gives up in favor of an approving mumble as that thumb—god it’s as thick as some cocks he’s taken—sinks deeper into him.  Gabriel works him for a bit, in and out, the rough knot of skin over his knuckle and the faint scratch of his cuticle providing compelling variety to the sensations running along his inner walls.  His other hand splays broad, warm and firm over the sensitive skin at the base of Jack’s back.  Gabe’s touch there makes him so aware of himself.  Naked.  Pliant.  Restrained.

It’s just Gabe’s hand on his back.  Jack could throw him off in an instant if he wanted to, but dear god he doesn’t want to.  "Come on, slowpoke, before I die of old age.“

Then the pad of Gabriel’s thumb finds the soft spot a few inches inside him, and massages.  Jack arches with a yelp that sinks into a long groan as it keeps going.  "Honestly, you are such a diva,” Gabe says, with a laugh in his voice.

Any hope of a searing rebuttal dies with the little whine Jack gives as Gabe’s thumb withdraws.  His hips chase it back and up.  Gabriel pushes him back down with a snort.  "Alright, princess, calm your bounteous tits.“

"Oh my god, fuck you, you fetishist.” Two fingers pressing into him now, and holy shit that’s good.  The stretch is luscious.  Gabe pushes just a little faster than he ought to, and it gives the invasion a little burning tingle that makes him want to wiggle for more.

More wouldn’t be as good an idea as it sounds, of course, and he’s grateful for the restraint of Gabe’s other hand, reminding him not to push it further.  Even so, it’s only a matter of minutes before he’s losing his patience.  "I want you to fuck me,“ he says through gritted teeth.

"That’s nice.”  Gabe strokes back in again, niiiiice and slow.  Like an asshole.

 If he were on his back, he’d be punching Gabe in the face and dragging him down dick-first right now.  "Goddammit, I’ll fuck myself if you don’t get a move on.“  Jack twists his hips.  The jolt of Gabe’s fingertips poking against him is delicious, and also a warning.  "Leave you blue-balled and romancing your own hand.”

“Mmm hm.”  Another few slow, scissoring thrusts, some almost absent twisting inside him.  Jack bites his lower lip till it hurts and pounds the desk in frustration because he knows that if he says anything, Gabe’ll just drag this out even longer.  The colossal shit.

Finally a third finger starts pushing its way in.  Jack makes a little noise in his throat because even with Gabe taking it slow, that’s a notable stretch.  Gabe pauses. “You need a minute?”

“No!  Jesus fuck, don’t stop.”  Gabe laughs, loud and full-bodied, the sound bouncing off the walls of Jack’s office and making him smile.  Gabe’s such a surly tryhard motherfucker most of the time.  It never gets old to see the persona shatter despite his best efforts and that bright-eyed, sunny smile light up his face.

He rewards Gabe with a long, slow undulation of his body.  He knows just how to move to make the man ready to blow his load, the long lazy stretch that’ll make his muscles flex under his skin and make Gabe want to drop down on top of him and fuck his brains out.  And sure enough, Gabe makes a noise somewhere between a groan and strangulation.  It sounds almost tortured.

Then Jack jumps as short, well-trimmed hair scratches against his skin and teeth sink into the curve of his ass.  "Any more of that,“ Gabe says, still sounding choked, "and we’re both going to lose it.  You’re the one who wanted my hand up your ass.  If you’ve changed your mind, all you’ve gotta do is say so, believe me.”

That tone in Gabe’s voice, strangled and barely restrained, does obscene things low in Jack’s pelvis.  Holy shit, he does want Gabe to just fucking mount him.  But something inside him also twists almost painfully at the knowledge of how Gabriel’s willing to hold himself back at Jack’s request.  He asked for something, and Gabe’s willing to put himself through at least a little bit of hell to give it to him.

Maybe he should be at least a little less of a shit.  Not that they aren’t both enjoying it, in their ways.  But…maybe a little less.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2rQkVvd

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