

Don’t ignore this Net Neutrality stuff people. DON’T IGNORE IT. It WON’T go away on it’s own and if you’re on the internet RIGHT NOW, you have the power to do something about it. 

If the internet means ANYTHING to you, if it’s an escape, if you support creators, if you stand for free press and speech and the right to self start, STAND UP FOR ITS RIGHT TO BE FREELY AVAILIBLE TO EVERYONE!!

Wealth is a disease to these people. They have more money than any of us will ever have. They have the power to do good, and they don’t. STAND UP   TO THEM! 

Go to this link, fill out the form, and SEND IT. Send 10. Send 20. Make it perfectly clear how suicidal it would be to agree to this.

It takes 5 minutes. Do it. 


from Tumblr

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