So did I mention that ABO Blackwatch gangbang thing I was trying to write, a little while back?  Well, the bottom fell through on it and I’m still kinda bitter, so here, have the part of it before it became total trash I can’t bear to reread long enough to edit into acceptability.

This is totally nsfw, and while it isn’t dubcon, there are undertones of manipulation, in both directions. Jack’s a bit of a ruthless motherfucker.


Coat tails swaying and head held high, Jack walks through the crowd packed into Blackwatch’s training room, and it parts for him.  The lighting is dimmed, and it’s noisy as hell, with men and women cheering and snarling and pumping their fists in the air in response to what sounds like a fight going on in the middle of the room.

Most of the unit is crowded in here.  Jack is sensitive to smell at the beginning of his heat, and it’s potent in the confined space.  Stale old sweat from years of exercise mingles with sweat and pheromones from a milling pack of roused, angry and anticipatory alphas and betas.  The cocktail goes straight to his overcharged libido.  He can feel himself slicking before he even enters the room.

They can smell it, too.  They close in behind him, crowding close in his wake with catcalls and lewd noises.  He’s what they’ve been waiting for.  They’ll let him in, but they won’t give him a chance to escape.  But none of them are bold enough to try to close in and grab him.  They’ve done this before, and they learned their lesson. He might be an omega, but he’ll break anyone who touches him without his permission.  He doesn’t need Gabe to protect him from them.

Then again, getting bent over and fucked into the ground is sounding increasingly tempting.  The pheromones in here are ramping up by the second, till he feels like he can’t get a full breath.  It takes all his willpower to keep his instincts from buckling his knees and offering him up like fresh meat.

The last row of bodies parts to let him into the center of the room.  Gabriel is waiting for him there, in a space clear of anything but a weight bench.  

The problem with being an omega in command is that omegas aren’t meant for command.  

He’s also their boss, but that’s never held them at bay.  He may sign their paychecks, but Gabriel is their alpha.  Omegas aren’t meant for command.  No amount of sternness or badassery or ability to flat-out kick their asses in a one-on-one fight is will make a pack of alphas and betas this testosterone-soaked bend their necks and obey, when he smells like this.  There’s only one thing that will secure s pack’s loyalty to an omega.  Jack offers it up to them with every heat.

“Come here.”  Gabe’s voice, rough and sharp-edged, cuts through the noise of the crowd without seeming to rise in volume.  The tone of command in his voice seems to seize Jack low in his belly.  He almost stumbles forward the last few steps, unable to disobey, till he’s standing within arm’s reach.

Gabe looks him up and down appraisingly.  Jack is in full uniform, coat and all, even though he left off the armor.  It’s not convenient, but it makes his point to the assembly.  He’s still the Strike Commander.  Gabe traces his face, runs a fingertip down the side of his neck.  Jack tips his head despite himself, to give him access.  

Gabe is on his side, Jack reminds himself.  He trusts him.  It can be easy to lose track, when he’s the lone omega in a room of clamoring alphas and betas who all smell like they want to pin him, bite him and mount him.

Gabriel strips him.  Takes his time with it, makes bit of a show for the crowd, who make appreciative noises. Jack can feel his authority being stripped along with each piece of clothing.  The circle crowds in a bit more as he pushes Jack’s coat off him to let it fall to the floor in a pile of heavy canvas, then lazily undoes the buckles of his shoulder harness and pushes that down his arms to follow.  Belt, hip holster.  Jack is hyperaware of every moment, every motion of being undone and revealed to the crowd.

All he can do is shake under Gabriel’s hands.  He hates this.  He wants it.  He’s in heat and he’d take anything–and he will, they’ll do whatever they want to him–but *this* alpha’s hands on him make him feel drunk with how badly he wants to give into them.   He can’t move under Gabriel’s hands.  Outside, he might be Gabe’s boss, but in here he’s an omega and Gabriel is *the* alpha, and his body knows its place.  Wants Gabriel to put him where he belongs, on the floor with Gabriel heavy on top of him, pinning him in place.  Jack makes a tiny noise in his throat as Gabriel’s fingers slide up under the bottom hem of his shirt and begin to push it up his body, baring his skin to the humid air of the room and the surrounding eyes.  Gabriel meets his eyes and smirks.  He can feel Jack’s muscles quivering under his touch.

Shirt off, boots off, pants pushed down.  Jack isn’t wearing underwear.  He’s facing Gabe, so everyone behind him can see the dildo inside him, keeping him stretched and full enough to function, and plugging him so his slick doesn’t get everywhere.  Gabe turns him sideways, hands not harsh but firm enough to give Jack no choice, and grasps the base of it.

It’s thick and long, an extreme tool that any other time would be borderline painful.  Now his body is hungry for it and even more, and Jack can’t stop the moan when Gabe wiggles it a bit and then begins to pull it out.  The people close enough to hear Jack’s sounds stir, an excited growl moving through the crowd.  Gabe laughs, close and quiet, and thrusts it in and out a few more times till Jack’s back arches, ass sticking out for more.  He whimpers, humiliated and desperate for more.

When Gabe relents and pulls the dildo all the way out of him, slick comes pouring out down his thighs.  Gossip dies down, all attention locking onto him as the sweet-musk perfume of it fills the room.  He shakes, senses already getting overloaded.  He can smell cum.  Some of them jerked off to that.

The rumbling is constant. Gabe has deliberately been working them up to a fever pitch and now they’re ready for the main show.

Jack closes his eyes and leans into Gabriel, grounding himself in that familiar strong scent. Gabriel tugs him close and strokes the back of his head, giving him the moment he needs.  He feels so vulnerable, this close to overload in front of so many alphas.  But that’s the point.  It’s being helpless in their midst, being *reliant* on them, that wins Jack their loyalty.  That makes them think of him as *their* omega.  Even if Gabe is the one who controls who gets to have him.  But Gabriel is their alpha.  That’s his right.

Jack presses his face into Gabriel’s thick shoulder and takes deep breaths, letting the familiar, trusted scent of him settle his nerves and wash away everything else till he can pull himself together again.  Gabe’s strong, rough hand strokes down the back of Jack’s neck and over his shoulders.  He doesn’t speak, but he rumbles softly, purring right into Jack’s ear with a comforting sound.

When Jack sighs out the tension that was beginning to knot him up, Gabriel pushes him gently away.  He cups Jack’s face in one hand and makes him meet his eyes.

“On your knees, Jack.”  

Jack’s knees buckle.  He sinks to the floor, gasping with the way the alpha’s command seizes his body,  and feels another flow of slick down his thighs.  In heat, it’s almost impossible to defy a command from Gabriel.  Jack hates that it turns him on so much, but the feeling of being controlled is like liquid heat in his veins when he’s in this state.  He wants more, wants to be ordered and obey and make his alpha happy.  When Gabriel presses down on the back of his neck, forcing him down till his chest is pressed against the ground, Jack bends for him with a moan.

“Stay,” Gabriel tells him.  Jack whines through his nose, naked and ass-up and almost in pain with the clutch of want coiling through his body.

“Genji Shimada!  Jesse McCree.”  Their feet are distinctive as they step forward out of the crowd.  “You’ve earned a reward for your work on the Sachsman infiltration.  Come and claim it.”

from Tumblr

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