
Hey writers, artists, and consumers of art and writing!

ARE YOU tired of reading the same old unsatisfying fanfiction!? Sick of not finding your wildest fantasies in the A03 and tumblr tags? Boy do I have a solution for you!

Come on down to the new and improved r76 Kinkmeme and drop or fill a prompt or three! We’ve made it shinier and given it more buttons and dials than the competing products! If you buy now you can even get two for the price of none! Two what? I don’t know, there’s only one. But we WILL throw in a free (albeit imaginary) super soldier boyfriend! You just can’t beat that deal!

(For real though, we’ve gotten a ton of incredible prompts and several amazing fills already. Feel free to come contribute or just look! Everything is anon unless you don’t want it to be! All we ask is that you are nice to our Mod and to each other!) 

from Tumblr

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