It’s hard not to miss the news, and I know that there are few followers of mine that will leave due to these changes, both out of protest, and out of the possibility of being striken out from this site or just because they fear to be.
I’ve always tried to make sure that my blog was safe for everyone. So I made sure of I knew what I reblogged or talked about, keeping it on the level with the comics or TV series. Never really did go into the movies though.
But there is a way for non-tumblr users to keep up with those posting on tumblr, without having to rely on the blogger to make a twitter or facebook just to post there that there is a new post. One of the basic features of blogging is still there on Tumblr.
RSS. It’s an old technology that’s still up and running because it is pretty cheap to set up and requires next to no maintenance.
Every tumblr blog has it. To find it, simply go to “”. There, you might end up being a bit overwhelmed by what looks like a bunch of code. But that code is simple, and there are a lot of RSS services that translates it to a living feed that alerts you when there is a new post that has been made. And
I use it pretty often. There are a lot of webcomics that have a supporting RSS feed, several blog sites that I don’t bother visiting unless the feed pops up for me, I used it even when I was job hunting, both recruiters and job ad places had RSS feeds. I even figured out how to get instagram into it!
There are a lot of solutions that can be used, chrome has the addon Slick RSS that is standalone, I use in conjunction with their addon for Firefox. There is probably an app that connects to whatever RSS sites that are available for free, but I’ve not found the need to keep track on my mobile just yet. I have to admit that I can’t really figure out how to do a proper tutorial, nor is this really the blog for that sort of stuff.
So for those that are thinking about leaving tumblr because of the new changes, there is at least an option to keep track of those that have chosen to stay.
from Tumblr