Not making any damn progress on eldritch/gothic masquerade story because I got into rereading our old Star Wars d20 RPG blog and now I’m pining for my old character. Gosh I loved playing him.

Also I’m not making any damn progress on eldritch/gothic masquerade story because…honestly it’s really hard at this point to tell whether I keep coming up with excuses because Writing Is Haaaaaard or if I really do have this many problems to hash out in order to be able to finish the fucking thing. Currently my issue is that I need to flesh out Ezra’s background in ways that probably won’t ever make it into the story because I can’t cram a character’s whole life story into a 20k fic, but I need to know who he is in order to write him, and I have been all over the map with him for so long because I don’t really know and in the absence of anchoring background I find my characterization of him drifting from moment to moment.

My old Star Wars OC may possibly be a procrastination tactic. Although I do miss him. I made up a whole Force tradition, culture and planet for him and I still think the entire thing is fun as hell and he was a GREAT character to play alongside a gang full of Jedi in a way I think made it more fun and interesting for everybody.

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