




Because that’s where they sit. The people that come in here with their stories. The clients. That’s all you are now, Mary. You’re a client. This is where you sit and talk and this is where we sit and listen. Then we decide if we want you or not

This scene hit me in so many ways. It felt like a salute to the entire show. No not even the show, everything about Sherlock Holmes. A reminder of what this really all comes down to. That at the lowest of low, the worst of the worst, they resort to the only thing they’ve come to understand completely. What all the adaptations of the show, and the book itself were created to have. What it was born to do. Its becomes a case. It becomes a story.

This scene, to me, is where (and why) the just the two of us against the world quote from TEH became relevant.

This scene is so indescribably powerful that it reverberates right out of the photos.

The-sherlocked-avatar is right.  This is the show.  Encapsulated flawlessly in four gifs and three lines.

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