
BilliethePoet, Kijakazibibi, and Mydwynter were all born on the 29th of December. Sc010f was born on the 25th. And like the millions of others born around this time, we’re more than familiar with the strangeness, with the half-chaos-half-doldrums that characterise the last week of the year. In honor of our terribly-placed birthdays, we’re offering…

The Longest Week Drabble Fest.

Gift drabbles. Tumblr fic. Poetry. Images. Dedicated to someone specific, or sent out into the world in general. Whatever your idea of boosting spirits—fluff, feels, porn, ghostly spirits, fermented spirits—and whether you’d like to participate here on Tumblr (#Longest Week Drabble Fest) or contribute to our AO3 Collection, we invite you to join your fandom family and friends in spreading a little bit of good cheer.

Help us make the end of the year better. Merrier. Bright.

Guys!  Join in celebrating the presence on this planet of this flock of wonderful people!

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