Mass Effect lead writer Mac Walters explained at a panel that the team did not anticipate the ending controversy because they believed each player would have been satisfied with their ending and not have…
Um. Okay, I don’t play ME, but did he just say the best endings are the ones that suck? I. *tilts head* So wait. His reasoning is literally:
1: We didn’t expect anybody to care.
2: We didn’t expect people to talk to each other.
3: Also we were hoping they wouldn’t notice because they were too busy BSing about other crap.
4: We didn’t actually put any work into the ending.
5: Fuck endings anyway, really.
6: The best endings are the ones that make you ask, “WTF WAS THE WRITER THINKING, AND WHY DID I EXPECT ANY BETTER OF HIM?”
Oh, yes, and the capstone: “The only way we can be free as video game writers is if we write movies instead.”
I did read that, right? That is actually what he was saying? Like, he just came out and ADMITTED to all that?
…Points for honesty, I guess?
ETA: Ohhhhhhhh, wait, it’s from a parody site. I’m almost disappointed. That was magnificently terrible.
Mass Effect 3 Postmortem: We Didn’t Expect People to Look for Different Endings