


I have an art class taught by a video/performance artist, and he issued the following semester-long assignment.

In imitation of this guy’s 100 Days of Rejection Therapy project, we are required to submit ourselves to a similar challenge once a week,…

Doesn’t any sort of assignment involving interviews have to go through the school’s IRB and require everyone in the class to get Human Subjects training, or is that just a hurdle us social scientists and hard scientists have to deal with? Because it totally sounds like someone missed a crucial step here…

Nope, it was never required for any of my projects, and I did interviews for my media course and for a couple of lit projects, and I know a couple of people who did interviews for art projects.  I’ve heard it’s a thing for scientific research, and maybe for journalists (at least, they get training, but I don’t know if it’s the same training), but I’ve never heard of it being required for art or most of the liberal arts.

PrettyArbitrary: YOU GUYS HELP ME.

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