ghostfucks asked prettyarbitrary for the prompt meme:

ohohoh here’s an odd one: Cthulhu/Night Vale Glow Cloud, Highschool AU 😀

 Trickybonmot declared that Valdemar fic I posted to be the most unholy of crossovers.  BEHOLD, I HAVE SURPASSED MYSELF.

The Glow Cloud draped itself in a shimmering cloak over the crowd in the bleachers and watched as the massive Old One scored yet another goal, leaving the field a mass of gibbering, drooling bodies incapable of standing in Its way.  The Glow Cloud sighed dreamily; no one could run, shriek and wave their various appendages like great Cthulhu.  Sometimes it fantasized about hovering over that unholy visage and raining small dead animals all over that ghastly complexion.

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