

I know….. I am a terrible dirty liar

but I swear this is the last one for a bit until I get my work finished!

Anyway~ I finally drew something large enough for a sticker! And, yes, this is a continuation of this piece

sakskjdsdsjhdjhkdjkkjdksdkldslkdslk THIS LITTLE BABYYYYYYYohGODfvyge.hubjnwlqkefIHATEEVERYTHING

He looks so pouty!! Did Sherlock pull him out of the bath too early? Did you want a longer bath, John?? OR DID SHERLOCK SCOLD HIM FOR SPLASHING ALL OVER THE BATHROOM? 

and then they’re gonna go to bed 


Sherlock cuddling John in bed and John, the little baby, he wraps his tentacles all around Sherlock to hug him while he snuggles in and tucks his head underneath Sherlock’s chin HALPaskjkskdjsTHISISTOOMUCHoaskdsj

Michi’s comments somehow made it even cuter.

I’m starting to worry about her, though.  Michi, do we need to get you some electrolytes or an oxygen mask or something…?

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