
It’s finally here! The Know Your IX campaign has officially launched. So honored to have contributed to this awesome campaign – both financially and volunteering.

What’s Know Your IX?

Know Your IX is a campaign that aims to educate all college students in the U.S. about their rights under Title IX. Armed with information, sexual violence survivors will be able to advocate for themselves during their schools’ grievance proceedings and, if Title IX guarantees are not respected, file a complaint against their colleges with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.

Many of us now know that colleges have a rape problem — not just in the high instances of it, but the subsequent coverups and further traumatization of victims.  But now as my fellow survivor-activists and I have been joining forces we are beginning to fight back and be heard. 

I am so happy to share that Know Your IX is up and running and hopefully will be the resource that I never had when I was dealing with Tufts’ apathy towards my rape  all alone. There truly is strength in numbers.

Many students are getting ready to start school again and/or go back to their campuses. Let’s spread the word about students’ rights. When I reported to Tufts I know the administration used my ignorance of my rights to their benefit and to sweep what they did under the rug. Let’s not give other schools the luxury.

There are LAWS for this?  Oh hot damn.  Spreading the word!

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