After bargaining his soul away to save his life in Afghanistan, John returns to London. But there’s something oddly familiar about his new flatmate.
Characters: Sherlock, John
Rating: Teen
Tags & Warnings: Devil!Sherlock, reference to war
Doing my homework for this fic chat with Archia—bumping through my bookmarks, browsing through favorite authors I haven’t visited in a while, etc.—and in the process rediscovered an old favorite I thought I’d lost somewhere on the kink meme ages ago!
Verbaepulchellae (I’m going to have to figure out how to pronounce that) is the author who wrote that selkie!John fic I periodically inflict upon you all ohlookthereitisagain. And here it turns out, upon clicking on their name, that they also wrote this little bit of heavenly hell. 700 words of joy. <3 I love it when big things come in small packages.
BBC Sherlock rec: Science was an Enemy of the Church for a Reason, by verbaepulchellae