
people who tag their bullshit hate about AUs that they know nothing about and don’t expect anyone to respond negatively


On that note:

So we’re clear that everybody who likes tunalock lusts sexually after fish, right?  You pervs are probably sitting there in front of your ten gallon fishtanks with your mollies and your guppies and your…whatever those things are that suck on the sides of the tank, I can’t be arsed to look up the name right now, and thinking, “Oh, god, if only I had the money to buy a fifty gallon tank so I could crawl in with you guys then we’d REALLY have a party.”  I bet you’re all funding some secret Kickstarter to breed a person-sized betta fish, and then you’ll hang a disco ball and some blacklights and it’ll all be bow-chikka-wow slow jazz and long sensuous veils of fin and tasteful, shadowed nudity while water splashes everywhere from your BUBBLE NEST OF LUUUUUV.

Jesus, guys.  Have some dignity.  Octopi.  EIGHT LEGS and they can figure out how to open bottles.  Yeah, you know what I’m saying.

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