
And after that, that memory never held the strength to chew on me the same way again. I mean, it’s still embarrassing, but it’s not “Oh god, I can’t look at you” embarrassing. (I wet my pants in class because the teacher was always so snooty about taking bathroom breaks…

Well, “Say nice things to me and tell me it will be okay” seems like a good way to request it. ^_^  We all just need to hear good things sometimes.  And oh god, I think ‘having your shit together’ is a myth.  Is that something real people do?  I’m pretty sure we’re all secretly careening through life, trying to look like we’re not in a constant state of chaos.

But.  Hey.  You know what?  It really will be okay. 🙂 

Thirty percent more unpredictable: prettyarbitrary: And after that, that memory never held the strength…

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