

So, somebody said this:



When there’s a popular group of people in a fandom and you want to say hi and make friends with them but they’re all so chummy with each other that you just end up feeling like a homeless kid that’s watching a family have a nice…

I am a massive introvert, so the whole interacting thing is hard for me. Also because I’m in the UK, I feel more like a homeless kid who wakes up in the morning and gets to watch a video of a family all having a big meal together. (Which is unfixable, obviously!)

Hi there!  Well, you’re not the only person around here I know from the UK. ^_^  There’s PennyPaperBrain, Provocatrixxx, Mystradedoodles, and Nichellen just off the top of my head.  I know that I know more people from over there, but now I can’t remember just who they are.

I also know that interrosands is French, Katzensprotte is German, and Archiaart is in New Zealand (now there’s a wacky time zone!).  And one of the ladies of 22DrunkB is in…Egypt, I think?  But anyway, if you snag some more people for your dash who’re closer to your time zone and active the same time you are, it can help that feeling of being out of the loop. 🙂 

So, I just noodled around your blog a bit and 1: holy crap that thing about Stephen Thompson is amazeballs and 2: DAMN but that is some fine hot J/S/L fic you’ve got going there.  In fact your name is ringing a bell for me, now I think of it…

Ahhhhhhhhhh, yes, the Art of Escapology!  Lovely little fic.  ^_^

Incidentally, you might be amused to know that (I am guessing by your username) we are close to the same age!  I love that we get to associate with people of all ages in fandom, but there’s something kind of specially nice about knowing people close to your own age, isn’t there?  Shared experiences, I guess (oh, X-Files, how I miss you).

PrettyArbitrary: So, somebody said this:dirkinaround: ask-pitch-black: When there’s a…

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